Not bad.
It was pretty cool, and for the most part you I really liked it.
I liked that extra percussion thing you had at the beginning, it was pretty good and gave it a sort of 'sandy feel' when mixed with the sunth. Choice of synths was pretty cool, liked the lead - though it was a bit high in the freq*s. I especially like the way it sort of stuttered, nice touch there. Only synth I didn't particularly like was the synth that I heard in the intro (though it was at other parts of the song) to me, it was just a bit 'oily', maybe choose another synth? My opinion though xP. That eurogate thingy was pretty cool too. .
There was a part of the tune ~3:01, that seemed really over crowded, I think it just needed to be spaced out a bit with all the synths in the mix. . as they just seemed to be playing loudly together (nothing big though).
It seemed a bit on the long side for me, and some parts did seem to linger on for me. . Like I when something needed to come in, it stayed the same for another 8 or so bars, maybe consider making it a bit shorter? Though I like the general structure, just maybe look to shortern the parts (keep it short and sweet xD).
As far as mastering is concerned, it didn't seem too well done, as my ears did take a bit of a bashing from the high freq*s that your synths gave off, and I've mentioned already about maybe re-leveling to give off a little space. .
Loved the ending bit, it just kinda ended a little suddedn for me, so maybe a fade out or just tweak the last few seconds. .
On the whole, it was good and just a few tweaks could easily get this up to a 10 :). Nice submission.
Anwar Louis ^_^
(Review Request Club)